Journalism as a marketingtool
It was in 2010 that I handed over the final version of my Master thesis to my professor at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. 'Journalism as a marketingtool', a subject that had not been researched like in my thesis before,
StylemyBrand contributer editor Future Dad
Deze week is het nieuwe magazine Future Dad gelanceerd op de Nederlandse markt, de mannelijke tegenhanger van het alom bekende Future Mom Magazine. Het blad komt door heel Nederland bij de verloskundige praktijk te liggen en focust zich op de
StylemyBrand contributing editor WINTER magazine
Yesterday the first edition of the new WINTER magazine was launched in The Hague. For the launch, journalists and other relations were invited to get into the winter atmosphere in De Uithof. With the new magazine, the initiators want to